

. This project concerns the non-energy recovery of plant biomass (production and characterization of essential oils and PPAM extracts). In addition to the regional character, it fits perfectly, both at the regional level as at the national and international levels, in a socio-economic dynamic but also of protection and management of the environment.
Indeed :
-It has an interest from an environmental point of view by contributing to the increase in the use of biomass and to the study of plant biodiversity. It also has an interest in terms of floristic preservation in situ; indeed, a species is all the more endangered as its variability is low.
-It has an impact on the development and enhancement of the territory by promoting the creation and development, at artisanal or even semi-industrial level, of offshored production units.
-It allows the availability and dissemination of reliable and objective information relating to the identification of plants to grow and the products that "small" professionals will have to market.
-It promotes the emergence of a technical platform for technology transfer and a research team specializing in this field and, therefore, the production of intellectual work with high added value.

Themes implemented:

• Isolation of essential oils;
• the study of variability, a real health check for species;
• caractérthe characterization of their biological activities by appropriate biochemical tests;
• recherchethe search for quality criteria and then quality control;
Objectives achieved (research, training, others):

- Characterization of twenty (20) plants from western Algeria
- Extraction of essential oils from these plants;
- Analysis of the chemical composition of the essential oils extracted;
- Tests of their biological activities;
- Study of variability;
- Development of a strategy for the establishment of a micro enterprise by associating Master students and the hunting reserve of the wilaya of Tlemcen as a socio-economic partner.
- Objectives still to be achieved:
- The installation of a micro-enterprise for the extraction of essential oils is planned in collaboration with the hunting reserve of the wilaya of Tlemcen.